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"inauthor: Gabriel Richard" sur
... University Press of Kansas , 1994 ) , 236 ; John M. Shaw , The Cambodian Campaign : The 1970 Offensive and ... Richard Gabriel and Paul Savage , Crisis in Command : Mismanagement in the Army ( New York : Hill and Wang , 1978 ) ...
"inauthor: Gabriel Richard" sur
... Richard Gabriel Reilly Detective Ray Kelly 88 89 Abe Saffron 92 Ray Brouggy letter 93 Parker Hale safari rifle 102 ... in author's possession Bisley , UK SMH Sydney Morning Herald Sydney Morning Herald 146 Getting away with murder.
"inauthor: Gabriel Richard" sur
... in author's possession . Richard Tillotson , " Account Book " ( MS , 1852-76 ; Mount Sinai , New York ) , book 42 , Tillotson collection ; in author's possession . Ralph Henry Gabriel , The Evolution of Long Island - a Story of Land and ...
"inauthor: Gabriel Richard" sur
... Richard A. Gabriel and Paul L. Savage , Crisis in Command ( New York : Hill and Wang , 1978 ) , 42 . 52 Gary ... in author's possession . 68 McWhorter , Losing the Race , 6 ; Rahi Fein , “ An Economic and Social Profile of the ...
"inauthor: Gabriel Richard" sur
... University of Chicago Press , 1967 ) , pp . 138-166 . 55. See Schiff , A History of the Israeli Army , pp . 115–123 . 56. As ... Richard A. Gabriel, Operation Peace for Galilee: The Israeli-PLO 188 Notes to Chapters 4 and 5 FIVE.
"inauthor: Gabriel Richard" sur
Originaire de l’Ohio, Scott Smith connaît ces paysages désolés et fascinants qu’il décrit si bien dans son premier roman paru en 1993.
"inauthor: Gabriel Richard" sur
... Gabriel Meléndez. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 2003. Gould, Richard. The Life and Times ofRichard ... IN: Author House, 2007. Montoya, María E. Translating Property: The Maxwell Grant and the Conflict over Land in ...
"inauthor: Gabriel Richard" sur
With Selected Readings Richard-Gabriel Rummonds. laws of Equity and Justice ; not deviating in the least from the ... in author- ity ; because the principal manager would of necessity be frequently required to attend late in the ...
"inauthor: Gabriel Richard" sur
... Richard G. Candelaria , interview by Rea Ann Trotter , tape recording , Las Vegas , Nev . , 16 March 1998 , in ... Gabriel Valadés to Rea Ann Trotter , 27 October 2000 , U.S. Latino & Latina WWII Oral History Project . 72. Viktor ...
"inauthor: Gabriel Richard" sur
... GABRIEL ( d . 1642 ) , as an exhibitor at the Royal Academy in author , was of Lincolnshire birth , and the 1836 ... Richard de Wyche [ q . v . ] , bishop of Chiches- ter , in the same place , in 1846 ( Gent . Mag 1847 , i . 258 ...