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Gabriel Richard, né le 15 octobre 1767 à Saintes (Charente-Maritime) et mort le 13 septembre 1832 à Détroit (Michigan), est un prêtre catholique français, ...
Since 1965, Gabriel Richard has provided excellence in Catholic education to students from a variety of schools and parishes in the Downriver area.
Gabriel Richard P.S.S. was a French Roman Catholic priest who ministered to the French Catholics in the parish of Sainte Anne de Détroit, as well as ...
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Qu'a fait le père Gabriel Richard ?
Où est enterré le père Gabriel Richard ?
During his time in Detroit, he was a missionary, educator and civic leader. Missionary Pastor. Fr. Gabriel Richard became pastor of Ste. Anne Parish in 1802.
Fr. Gabriel Richard (pronounced rish-ARD) served Ste. Anne de Detroit in the 1800s. He is our most famous pastor and a co-founder of the University of Michigan.
Father Gabriel Richard High School is an authentic Catholic school community which fosters growth with Christ through intentional faith formation.
Father Gabriel Richard was a zealous pastor whose missionary heart guided all that he did. At a time when we in the Archdiocese are coming to a renewed ...
This riverfront gem is a beautiful and serene oasis that features lush landscaping, a whimsical fountain, butterfly gardens, a contemplative labyrinth and ...
Questions regarding tuition and fees may be addressed by calling the Gabriel Richard Catholic High School business office at (734) 284-1875, ext. 111.
Associate Research Professor of Romance Studies. 2021 - Present. Romance Studies, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences.
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